Camera Fail!

Update: O frabjous day! After spending my break time yesterday learning about data recovery, I have resurrected some of the lost pictures. I also learned that the camera doesn’t wear-level its memory, which is probably why the card failed. Some of the pictures are corrupted, and some corrupted in amusing ways (like partial translation and colour inversion). Enjoy!

Yesterday ended in tragedy. About an hour before leaving, I was having trouble with photographing something. The CompactFlash card in the camera had decided to die, and the camera wouldn’t take pictures. Even worse, all the pictures from the day were lost with the card. I found a new CF card to get the camera working again, but my current attempts at recovering data have failed.

I would like to at least describe in words what happened yesterday, but without a photographic record I find myself unable to remember anything. Anything. The day is lost to the ages.

4 comments to Camera Fail!

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