Andrei and Greg tested the new pinhole sun sensors yesterday, using the big powerful artificial sun lamp. By big and powerful, I mean it will melt plastic from across the room. Josh, who had arrived the previous evening with Giles, took over Mark’s new starboard side hex cell floor. Noise tests continue with increasing frustration, and random small jobs and fixes are tackled on the gondola.
(Continually) Sung by Barth: “Mr Sun, sun, artificial sun, please shine down on me!”
The amazing power of the sun at your fingertips
The beam from the bookshelf down to the gondola
Not only is it bright, but it warms the gondola pretty well too
The illuminated PSS (it works)
Natalie starts to install the operating system on her star camera computer. (As usual, the process isn’t difficult at all. Not even a little)
White Tape
It holds down the new cable shield for the gondola’s umbilicus
Highly varied reaction to Italy losing its match, and being eliminated from the World Cup
The scoop had be remounted during my day off. Can’t get enough scoop pictures
The continuing Noise Saga
“Tony’s a yanking machine”
We finally experienced Shep’s BBQ at lunch. In retrospect, I’m greatly saddened that I’d gone so long without this
The full floor. It’s either a space invader, or pixelated dog face
The floor, cut in half to make it mountable, is test fit
Power filters from inside the receiver crate
Tristan is working hard
The ACS’s bare backside, with retrofitted power supplies and backplane modifications
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