While work continued yesterday, I didn’t feel like taking pictures of any of it. Instead, I have pictures of Enigmatic Building 16—the mysterious place behind the highbay that I saw from the roof. Natalie joined me on the adventure, and we found the place no less mysterious up close than it was from far away.
I also have pictures posted by Matt of me juggling basketballs, and from Tristan of a stop we made at the tank. All my pictures at the tank sucked because my lens fogged up. Plus, I needed someone else to take pictures of me being a goof anyway.
Edit 6 July 2010: Don informs me the correct term for the building is “Enigmatic Building 16”
Natalie if the first to examine and pose with the tank
Elio simply observes from afar
The next natural step is to climb up, and, at least to me, mount the turret
…and then of course to ride it like a cowboy (or at least a poor facsimile)
Natalie is having none of that, and gets out of Dodge
I’m starting to get pretty good at basketball juggling
It’s hard to tell from a still, but I think this a reverse cascade. Most other tricks are still beyond my reach
Building 19, the pi frame seen on the way to Building 16
Every structure of any kind is labeled in this manner
The red crater is the next stop. Can’t decide what the origin is, or if it just happened
Mmm, random berries.
The red/rusty slanty-oil-derrick-with-a-hook thing. For hanging off of?
The derrick-thing with the all important lamp/intercom/building label pole
Along with the random abandoned structures, this pole with its Dharma Initiative electornics gives a very Lost-esque feel to the place
Not stopping for pictures, Natalie was always one step ahead of me. She examines one of the staircases to nowhere
While I catch up, she amuses herself with a T-shaped pole
Is this where gondolas and staircases go to die?
The hollow concrete staircases up on blocks
Large wing-shaped bit of concrete
The stairs, from the other side
A metal thingy jutting from the ground, along with logs and pipes
The old lamp/intercom/building label pole? Something else?
The skeleton of what was once some magnificent beast?
More of the large concrete slabs
Logs and Tubes
Strange crown-backed spider. The web (just being finished) is huge, covering the entire opening to a clearing. I only barely avoided walking into it
The next adventure: a trail into the woods
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