Yesterday morning (or, rather, the day before yesterday, since I forgot to publish this yesterday) Laura and Natalie were testing the sun sensors using the fake sun. I went exploring outside and found a black widow, which was cool because I had never seen one before. Then in the afternoon Matt and I (mostly Matt) got lots of shots of the still-open cryostat and the half-wave plate rotator modifications.
Matt also learned that since he’s sharing the lab camera (he forgot his, and is very upset about it) that he can take tons of random pictures and I will be the one to sort through them. He started abusing this privilege—but not enough that I didn’t still sort them…he’s good.
The orange ladder seems to be the preferred place to set up the artificial sun
Sun turned on
Laura and Natalie feel for the point it’s focusing at
I find the process pretty amusing looking, so take several pictures
They eventually have a sort of God-Adam moment
Basking in that sweet, sweet fake sunlight
Reflection of a spider. I saw this a while before noticing the spider itself
The Black Widow
The deep-ish well of web, brought into focus
Start of obligatory pre-closing optics box pictures
Side of optics box (top when on shelf)
500μm Array
350μm Array
250μm Array
Dichroic Filters
Window, Cables, Heat Strap
Cables for 250μm Array
Matt starts taking tons of random people shots, starting with Nick
And catches lots of people by surprise. Like me
Lorenzo is really surprised
He catches Laura too
Elio, not so surprised. He’s hard to surprise
Natalie needs more coffee before becoming capable of expressing surprise
I resolder a capacitor on the SBSC thermometer
Elio’s new gear system that replaces the flexible coupling for the HWPR drive
More gears, from the other side
I had just fixed something. I no longer remember what. It must have been important
The geared drive is connected to the HWPR
The gears, fully installed
Wiring of the HWPR potentiometer
A cryo thermometer mounted on the HWPR
Obligatory shot of the blue dots again
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