A long overdue update on the Spider gondola. It has a new computer box, the new Pinhole Sun Sensor (PSS) array, chicken wire to protect from the reaction wheel, the rotating star cameras mounted, and a cart with really big casters. And more importantly, it scans!
Star cameras
Starcam connectors and motor controller
Also, Blondie
Baffles and covers
Cardboard, frisbee
Limit switch
To prevent undesirable starcam-cryostat interactions
Starcam wiring
Array of Pinhole Sun Sensors
With non-flight cardboard mount
Pinhole sun sensor
Up close. Ignore the taped-on feet
Chicken wire and cable ties
To protect from fast moving, head-level, and pointy (aka deadly) brass bricks
Big Wheels
Hopefully make Spider easy to move around
ACS, bitty box, and computer
With tiny Natalie making repairs
For power and fake telemetry. Neatly and red-ly wrapped by Jamil
Computer box
Front side plus watchdog override box
Computer box insides
Increased space, neatness, goodness compared to old version
Power strips
Replaces "solder glob" in previous computer box
With neatly routed wires
Tiny power supply
Come and Take It
Spider and its cart
Sand bags
For balance
Another gondola shot
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