With the gondola pretty much finished, we’ve switched to running tests and practicing for flight. A couple days ago, this also meant getting our official snowmobile training, for trips out to the launch pad. A little joyriding made everybody a little more joyful.
Timelapse testing Tristan
WIth hand warmers and balaclava
Stack of connector pins
Mark made this far longer than I expected. Can you tell we're not all busy all the time anymore?
Sunburned from last flight, now perched in the open
Magic Card mementos
Like ballooning, "Kitesailing is a way of life&mdashand without practice, the end of it."
The cards will fly
Because, why have a souvenir that hasn't been in the stratosphere?
Going outside
Yes! We fit with the solar panels extended
This will save some hassle on launch rollouts
Being a NASA cetified crane operator
With the doors open, it's a little cold
Still a little cold
Box head
Protesting some of the music in the highbay. A very contentious issue
Snowmobile training
With Scott
BLAST stickers
On all the snowmobiles
Vic winds up
And launches a snow attack
Mark returns
From his joyride around the launch pad
Seems to have enjoyed his ride
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