While we’re back in town for flight monitoring, there’s more time for seeing the sights. One sight open over the new year’s break was RF Scott’s hisotrical hut, just outside of town. So, I went inside and explored that. Otherwise, we’ve also been to Hut Point a few times as it’s a prime location for wildlife spotting. I managed to encounter a penguin one day, and an especially active seal another.
Arrival heights, a few weeks ago after some snow
With hut point on the left end
Scott's hut
Earlier in the week, on the day I went inside
Inside Scott's Hut
The extrance area is blocked from the fire area, to conserve heat
Except for the hole
Age, or easy access?
Capt Scott's Antarctic Expedition, 1910
Lamp Oil
Seal meat
Which doesn't rot because it's so dry and cold
Pure concentrated cocoa
Seal blubber stove
In the blocked-off rear
Main hangout area?
Storage shelves
Mostly empty
Storage shelves
Less empty
"Special dog biscuits"
Scott's hut, again
On a sunny day
Floating pier, constructed from dirt and ice
Between town and Hut Point
Clearing around the pier
A lot of work goes into pier preparation, so that supplies can be offloaded for the following season
Hauling ice
Adelie penguin
Standing around
Briefly does something
Lies down
Stays on it's belly, and I get bored and leave
Weddell Seal
Frolicking in the sun. This one moved more than all other seals I've watched combined
Oh, yeah. Sun.
Wallowing about
In its groove in the snow
One last seal picture
Arrival heights and McMurdo
As seen from Vince's cross, at the tip of hut point
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