BIG NEWS: we finally landed in Antarctica! We were in Christchurch so long that the next wave of SPIDERers showed up, with one day of overlap in New Zealand. Stanward (Steve, Anne, Edward) caught a C-17 flight the next morning. As soon as the plane dropped us off, it went back for the others (and some cargo). Johashillontazomil (Jon, Johanna, Sasha, Bill, Natalie, Lorenzo, Jamil) arrived this morning.

Chilling in the gardens

There was a big band festival in the park
Punniest name: Big Band Wolf

Wandering Around

Group tree hug

Jamil and Sasha
After they forced us to pose, I return the favour

Sasha and Anne

Flight terminal
Ed and I line up to check in

Anne waits in line
She was behind due to a later bus

Waiting for the bus

C-17: you're a really big airplane

On board!

Very exciting

Jump seats
Strapped to the wall

Comfort pallets
They also add rows of airline seats instead of cargo

Random ice
Through one of the two windows we could use

First sight of land (on the horizon)
A couple hours later

The cockpit
Where they hoard all the windows

Lots of controls


So many directions to look

Directions to look, plus things not to drop

Anne finally gets drip coffee
Which is hard to find in New Zealand

This makes her happy

Obligatory posed shot #1
Featuring: Ed

Obligatory posed shot #2
Featuring: Anne

Obligatory posed shot #3
Featuring: me

Group shot
I forced the next wave to pose too
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