While half of the Spider team is now in Antarctica, almost none of our cargo is. This means we can’t do much useful work, and to pass the time we’ve been exploring. Out first trip was to Hut Point, named after the Discovery Hut constructed by Robert Falcon Scott in the early 20th century. (Somehow, I didn’t take a photograph of the hut itself.) The views were great, but the wind caused us to return to town without undertaking further exploration.

All bundled up
Johanna and Anne

Pre-hike group photo
Everyone is pretty bundled up, to deal with the wind.

Me and McMurdo
As seen from Hut Point

McMurdo Panorama

Descending to the sea ice

First wildlife sighting: seals!
I lack telephoto capabilities, and approaching too close is not allowed

Lorenzo poses
With the cool (cold?) Antarctic landscape

Johanna poses

Jon poses

And Sasha poses

Taking a break
From all that posing

Heading back to town
Descending from Vince's Cross

Sasha Dance
It's a good dance

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