SPIDER uses a crane for lots of things, but one lift is more involved than the others: moving the cryostat (Theo) into the gondola frame. We did this last week, giving us a much more complete-looking experiment.

Insulating Theo
The bottom layer of insulation to keep Theo's back warm

Top layer. Shiny
By Ziggy and I

Batteries, motorized valves, and a pump
Don't get covered in shiny things

Preparing Theo for the lift

Moving the spreader bar into place

Strap wrangling


The peanut gallery
Canadian edition

Covered star cameras
And Cynthia

Anne watching carefully

Jon operates the hoist


Reduced manifold for lift

Ed has SPIDER on a leash

Jamil prepares on one side

Ivan and Ziggy on the other

Anne around back

Intense concentration

Eventually Jon notices me

Lots of space in the rear


Bolt tightening

More bolt tightening. Ruhl edition

Sasha is officially certified!
Our certification badges arrive for hoist/lift operations

Engaging the elevation drive

Sasha teases me
Because she has a ladder, and I don't?

Is that a wrench in your pocket?

Jamil attaches elevation encoders
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