Simon and I decided that it would be fun to do do some analog film photography of our trip to Antarctica. I was armed with me my dad’s old Nikon FM, and five rolls of Portra 160 film (of which I used four). Plus two fixed lenses: 28mm/2.8 and 50mm/1.8.
This album contains every photograph that was not obscured by my sticky shutter. Except a few duplicates have been removed, from the few times I hedged my bet on metering, or from unthinkingly repeating subjects on different occasions. See some of the sticky shutter images I like anyway in: McMurdo 2022 in film: lovable rejects.
Minimal digital editing is applied, mainly to reduce white balance issues from the raw scans.

Joseph in the drifts
Around the galley at LDB

Simon's cord
Doesn't quite reach our van

The Boss, snowed in

Ice road
Freshly regroomed, after the bad weather

Goggle selfie
With McMurdo and the line to tour Discovery Hut. This is the one shutter-obscured photo that I cropped

Inside Discovery Hut

Seal parts
Inside Discovery Hut

Jared and Mount Erebus

Exercising The Boss
Helped by a "tractor beam"

Mess of McMurdo
From part way up Observation Hill

Jeff and Riccardo on top

Me and Jeff

Mount Erebus
With Castle Rock, and other closer hills

Buildings on the ice

Cargo berm
Also at LDB

Spider outside
For a baffle test

Going for a hike
Around the Hut Point loop/arrival heights

Mid hike photo stop

Spider hanging outside
On the day of our Compatibility test


With Wood for scale

Driving on The Boss

The Boss

On the broken up sea ice

Spider in the sun
Drawing a crowd on our launch day

Spider and Mount Erebus

Launch lookers lounge

Ice, hills, cllouds
On my final drive back from LDB

Going for a penguin hunt


Returning empty handed



Arrival Heights

Dive huts
On dry land now that the sea ice is breaking

Pallets and power liens

Ice wall
At "the transition", from land to the ice road

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